Friday, January 15, 2010

radiation poisoning

My resolution for today was to catch up on homework so I could get ahead for the beginning of next week.

After class at 12:00, I looked into my Creative Writing assignments. One of them was to look in a newspaper in 3 different specified sections and do something... as you can tell by my specificity, I have no idea what it's asking for, plus, not to mention my complete newspaper illiteracy. Why is "illiterate" so difficult to spell? Did I spell that wrong?

Having no idea what the 3 sections are in the newspaper, and no idea what i'm supposed to do, I decided to move on to the next assignment. My next assignment in Creative Writing was to go to my favorite restaurant, coffee shop... etc... and sit down with my laptop at a table next to two or more people talking. Then, my assignment is to eavsdrop (without detection) on their conversation and write down what they say.


I worked tonight, so I had no way of doing it today, but I am beyond excited to complete this task! And, in the future, when stuck with random charecter development/diologue, i'll just eavesdrop of some random people and document what they say and use it for my writing. Brilliant.

Work went well... aside from this 80 year old woman who was trying for 20 minutes to convince me that everyone will have cancer in the near future from cell-phone usage, and that uneducated young people like myself have no idea what we're doomed for. Okay, she said it in a nice way, but that was basically what she was saying. Then, she waved around her trips around the world and famous people she knew in relation to research relating to radiation poisoning from cell phones and other technology. Not wanting to burst her little bubble, I held back the fact that it takes days of non-stop cell-phone use to equal the amount of radiation that an X-ray gives. And, you need about 10,000 X-rays until you get any health issues from it.

Yes, some phones are broken or malfunctioning and give off a large amount of radiation, and that effects people negitavely, but aside from that, it is nearly impossible to get cancer from it unless you have your cell phone glued to your face.

Overall, I had a normal day. Plus, I saved Middle Earth from Isengaurd and Mordor. Battle for Middle Earth (computer game) is an awesome stress reliever. Bow down to me, I now control the Middle Earth under the reign of Gondor.

My resolution tomorrow is to relax and take it easy. =)

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