Thursday, January 28, 2010

everyday drearyday

Since I did not have time to do a blog post yesterday, I had no resolution for today.

But, I have come up with a checklist of things, that if you are experiencing, you may be at the wrong college.

Random people for no apparent reason make siren noises down the hall, not in a random funny sort of way, but in a: "Let's contact the insane asylum".

Random old ladies stare at you as if you're doing something wrong while you innocently use your laptop

Classmates stare at you when you make a face out of a puddy and make quiet screaming noises as their face distorts

Daydream of punching cute animals

Daydream of being spiderman saving your school from people

Fight off sleep while in class, then as soon as he says "That's all for today" then you perk up and have a ton of energy

And, yes... those are just a few of the things that I go through every day.

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