Friday, January 29, 2010


So, I have officially dubbed today "Awkward day" soley based on my work shift.

First, I will briefly mention my day before work.

I hung out with Josh Gates today. I wrote an essay for him about music and our experience in a "music store" AKA, the CD section in Best Buy. It was interesting. Well, the fact that i'd write random stuff like: "We stuffed Country music CDs in our jackets in attempt to spare future customers from losing their sanity, but the five security guards did not find our motives noble".

I did not delete that sentence. I hope Josh submits it like that. Automatic A+.
So, we had a great time! =)

Now, for work. There were five awkward moments.
I introduce you to my four awkward moments.

Moment #1: Five minutes after I clocked in for work, my manager comes up to me and says "There is a couple making out in the store, and I just asked them to leave because they were making other customers uncomfortable".
Not a few seconds later, one of my Jiu Jitsu instructers walks around the corner with a girl... "Oh, Ben, I didn't know you work here..."
It was a very awkward "Well see you... laater..." kind of situation. My manager then comes up to me and says: "You know that guy?? He was the one making out in the store!!"

Moment #2: I was on the register for part of the night, and I just rang up a lady, then my manager set a drink next to me. Obviously, I assumed that it was the customer's drink, so I gave it to her. It ended up being my manager's drink which was a mix of coffee and espresso... the lady had ordered a sweet drink. She came back a few minutes later and asked for her real drink.

Moment #3: One of my friends came in to Caribou. Side note, I have not had much sleep lately. A few nights ago I satyed up almost all night on a homework assignment and still have not caught up on sleep. So, anyways, I was trying to talk to her, and my head was like totally empty, and I don't really remember what happened. I guess it's not too awkward, just the fear of her thinking i'm really weird. Hopefully my sleep deprived subconscious didn't do anything to strange without my knowledge.

Moment #4: My manager was giving change back to a customer, but accidentally put it in our tip jar instead of his hand because she had a major "brain fart". The guy what like: "Whhhaat?" Her face changed five shades of red and she apologized and kinda freaked out. Even though it didn't happen to me...

So, yes, I hope you found enjoyment in my awkward situations. But, i'm sure you've had some recent ones yourself. Akward moments are not uncommon.

My resolution for tomorrow is to relax totally! I need sleep and fun aside from homework assignments (not saying that they're fun...) I just need some time to myself to think, sleep, and be awesome!!!

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