Tuesday, January 12, 2010

waiting and wishing

My resolution for today was: be unusually extroverted/talkative in my classes for today.

That didn't really work. Today I had Public Speaking and Film Studies. You are probably thinking: "Public Speaking?! You probably had all the opportunities in the world there!"

But, alas, I did not. It was an indroduction to the class, and much humorous rambling by my awesome prof... including his interesting Catholic 127 year old teacher from his elementary school days... apparently she was 4 feet tall and shaped like a question mark. Yes, I am looking forward to that class. =)

Film Studies, I thought it would be fun, watch movies and analyze them. But, the teacher has the personality of a saltine cracker. For the first five minute of chewing on one, you think it's pretty good, but then your mouth starts cracking from dryness.

Okay, she's not that bad, but she has a very dry personality, and she seems nervous public speaking, and unsure what she's going to do for the next few minutes of class, almost as if it's all improv. That's consoling.

Anyways, no, that's not an excuse for my failure... but I guess I was not in the mood.
I'm just starting to realize the strange people that are at my school. I about wet myself in fear at this one lady. I was in the computer lab working (aka doing nothing) when I looked to my right and there's this old lady walking toward me with eyes so intense and wide, and she was staring at me, it was like she was searing my soul. She was scary.

I just realized how much I dislike the word: "phat"

So, right now, I am waiting until 8:00pm for Hannah to get out of her class so we can go home. Yes, I have been out of class since 2:30pm. Oh the wonders of carpooling.

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