Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Right now, I sit in Caribou because the internet to all users of a certain system are now screwed because their entire system crashed.
I was left with barely my wit and what little dignity I had left as I had to scrounge for ideas on how to complete my daunting homework assignments that needed to be completed online. Then the large colorful words of CARIBOU lit my heart as I ran to the car in a frantic spasm.

Yes, I had most of the assignments written out, but I had twenty minutes at Caribou to edit and to hand them in before they closed. So, here I am, everything turned in on time, and me left here sweating with relief... I must regretfully tell you, that since Caribou closes in 8 minutes, I cannot do my day justice in a hurried blog post. So, I am simply warning you that I will post today's one tomorrow because I am internet-less in 7 and a half minutes. Which means in 2 minutes because I mean to be curtious and not push the limits of the worker's patience and stay to the last seconds.

So, I will update tomorrow afternoon in today's stead since I am unable. Until tomorrow, farewell.

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