The splits are going pretty well. Is it normal to hurt all the time when stretching so often? My legs hurt kinda all the time now. Not a bad pain, it's a good pain... but it is kind of sucky to walk and wince. But, I am determined to achieve it in one month.
My friends notified me that it is ten times easier for females to do the splits than males. So, comparing myself to an athletic 19 yar old girl who could do it in one month is unrealistic.
But, you know what? If my life was based on normal and sub-par things, what fun would that be? I can do it in one month. And when I get it, I will go further than the splits. I will set books under my feet when I do the splits so I stretch past the splits.
That's right, I'm hardcore.
Okay, if you've started to think: "Wow, Ben is so cool." Then what I am about to tell you next will completely destroy that presumption of my character. Which, I don't really care what you think, because what I am about to tell you is freaking awesome.
I hung out with Josh Gates for like 8 hours the other day. He is awesome. That was sooo fun! No, that was not the thing that makes you think I am uncool, because anyone friends with Josh is automatically awesome.
Josh got a new awesome hobby. It's called SpeedStacking. It is a series of plastic cups in which you have to stack the cups on top of each other in pyramids in various amounts... it is so addicting!! Josh and I did doubles, where we each used one arm, so it's basically two different people only using one arm. It is sooo fun!
We pwned.
And, we played Batle for Middle Earth on PC. For those of you who have been saving your soul from geek-dome and nerdiness, I may have to define what "BFME" is. (Battle for Middle Earth)
It is a computer game in which you command the armies of Lord of the Rings against the forces of Mordor and Isengard. Josh and I took on 6 armies on hard and we only used two people to do so. We didn;t use our armies, we only used 2 heroes and we destroyed 6 hard armies.
That may sounds impressive even if you don't know what it's like, but for those of you who have played BFME, you will be sweating jealousy at our mad skillz.
Right now I am at school and I am here with no classes until 6:00pm... if you glance at the time of this post it is 12:40pm. Yeah, my life sucks.
So, I will now go to Caribou Coffee to be productive with writing my book and I might actually start on an assignment that's due tonight.
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