Thursday, March 4, 2010

no one here but us interspersed lettuce leaves

My resolution for yesterday was to own at homework.

I had 3 essays due last night, a 9 minute speech to prepare, and 3 huge art projects that were due tonight.
I left my art class early yesterday so I could do homework. I was bored out of my mind as it was, so leaving early made my day. On the way home, I was talking to myself when I came to the realization: "Ben, you are under too much stress. You are focusing on homework and on the negative things of life all the time. Let it all go! Worrying about it won't solve anything!"

I was so pumped up by my motivational speech to myself I wanted to celebrate my freedom from stress and do something fun. So, I cranked the classical station and headed to Caribou on the way home from school. I got a ridiculously delicious Snickers Cooler (if you've never tried it, you've never lived).

That made my day, so I was totally ready to own school and show it who Ben Schmitt really is!
I got home to the amazing smell of pizza in the oven. As if my day couldn't get any better!! So, I enjoyed pizza with Hannah, then I plugged my laptop into some speakers and cranked my party music.

I finished homework at 12:00am last night. I totally pawned.

My resolution for today was to be amazing in my speech. It was a demonstrational or informative speech. So, I decided to do close to no work in preparation and went with the topic "How to write a 5 paragraph essay effectively".

It is a boring subject, but I think I spiced it up with animated hand motions, facial expressions, illustrations on the white board, and a snazzy vest. (A suit vest over a graphic T... heck yes, i'm just a regular old fashion model over here).

I was so nervous going up, but once I got up I decided not to be nervous but be confident, and it worked. And I totally winged most of it, and it turned out wonderfully.

I just passed a sign at DCTC that said: "Donate blood today at the blood drive!"
It was on a mini-whiteboard in a busy hallway. I had a brilliant idea, but there were no dry-erase markers present, so I am left to imagine my plot.

I'd write under it: "Edwarde Cullen wants YOU!" And then draw a vampire smiley face.

That would be the epitome of amazingness.

Today I learned that "intersperse" is a word. I now officially hate that word. It sounds like the speaker or writer of that word was trying to hard to sound smart... "I will now intersperse the lettuce across my plate."

WHY NOT JUST SAY "seperate"? That makes me mad. If you couldn't tell my the caps lock. If someone uses caps lock, the voice that you always mentally think of when reading something turns to yelling. It is quite effective.

I learned that if you make that voice when you're reading a boring textbook turn to a british accent, you pay attention so much better. It is fun.

My resolution for tomorrow is to find my checkbook. If I don't find it I am screwed for life. I have no idea what I can do without it. Help!!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha ben, I think you mean pwned!
    I will definitely try the boring textbook trick.
