Saturday, June 26, 2010


Bars are such strange places. Me, being only 18, have not experienced many bar atmospheres. But, the Bonfire has a huge bar in the center of the restaurant. And, as I am coming to realize, it is a halarious place to people watch and occasionally eavesdrop on when it's not busy.

My host stand is about three feet away from the edge of the bar stools, so late at night, I hear many an interesting half-drunk conversation of older guys trying to woo younger women. It is very entertaining.

Last night especially (Friday night) the bar was so full, the people were spilling out into the walking paths of the servers, there were about 20 more needed bar stools, so people just stood around and chatted. It was a lively night, and made me realize what good dialogue I can pick up and possibly use in my book if I want.

I've been working a lot lately. I worked a double Thursday, am working a double today, and will be working a double tomorrow as well. It's making me a lot of money.

The servers really like me. I got tipped again by a server for helping her out. And, they said that I should be a server instead of a host because i'm doing so well.

I applied for a serving position. I want it. But, i'll probably get it next summer over my college break.

College is coming up in a month and a half. I will be having about 16-18 credits of writing classes and a lab science. I am so stoked! (Not for the lab science, in case there was any confusion).

I have been so freakishly busy with work and stuff, it's been hard for me to get a lot of reading done, so i'm still working on the first book I started. I'm over half way, and it's really good.

I've gotten a lot of writing done lately. The next 80 pages will be really hard to write. I have to prolong a hostage situation for that long and a kidnapping investigation, all while making it interesting. So, I need to come up with a few creative ideas on what can happen to keep it lively.

I'll keep you updated.
(P.S. Josh, you say that you read my blog every day, but you never comment. I demand some comments, it's making me feel unread!) ;)


  1. fine! here you go! I find it funny that you are blogging to me :P But I like it!!! Keep it up! Oh! and return my phone calls ;)

  2. Ben -- Isn't eavesdropping fun when you can get away with it? I find that most conversations among strangers aren't very interesting, but really good ones can give you great dialogue and ideas for stories. Just try not to get caught!
