Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I just finished my first shift at the Bonfire Bar/Restaurant as a Host. Yes, I did just capatalize the word Host because I am the Host. Just like the movie "The Marine", sure, the dude is a marine, but it is capatalized because he is so awesome. Need I clarify more?

Just kidding, I just felt like saying that.

But, it was fun. I caught on fast. I didn't even shadow. I signed the paperwork yesterday, memorized the table numbers, and started as a host tonight. It was quick transitions, but I am a quick learner, and I think I will like it there.

I think there is a pattern in my work history. At Caribou I am the only male aside from the store manager. At Bonfire, I am the only host, all the rest are hostesses.


Anyways, I have seven shifts in the next six days. I will be working a ton this summer making bucko bucks. I think I will really enjoy it at Bonfire. It was fun, the people were nice, and it's easier than I expected.


  1. Good for you! I hope you make buckets of money and have a good time. When I was a student I had a couple different waitressing jobs. They were tough so I always felt like I earned every last cent I went home with.

  2. I know the feeling; hosting is not half as difficult as serving, but i'm moving on my feet the whole time, busing tables, taking to-go orders, and leading guests to their tables. So, it's a busy job, so I do feel pretty proud of myself when the shift is over. I worked a double today, so my entire day was work. But, that's what I need to get to college, so i'll do it.
