I believe in love at first sight. Do you?
I have never been in love, but I am enraptured in the power of love. I cannot wait until I fall in love. Head over heels.
But, until that day comes, I will enjoy my singleness for all it's worth. Most people keep looking forward to the day that they meet "Mr./Ms. Perfect" and lose sight of what they have at that very moment: freedom.
No, i'm not saying that marraige is a ball and chain concept, but how easy is it once married and both have jobs to spontaniously travel to another city, go mountain climbing with hardcore guy friends, go on camping trips, and have less worries in the world.
Marraige is going to be wonderful, not a cake-walk by any stretch of the imagination, but totally worth waiting for. But, until then, i'm not going to waste time thinking about the future because it can't and won't change anything in the present.
I am going to rock my singleness through college. If I meet a wonderful girl, then that's great, but i'd like to "roam free" for a while and taste some aventure and spontenaeity.
Go for the adventure! When I was eighteen and fresh out of high school I hitchhiked through Britain and Ireland (backpacking through Europe was the rage then). By the time I started college that fall I felt like a new woman. It was absolutely one of the best summers of my life. May you have gobs of adventure.