It takes more wisdom to heed advice than it does to give it.
My dad gave me advice recently. He said that my writing would considerably improve if I read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. The Da vinci code is one of the best selling books of all time. Over 80 million copies have been sold. That is a terrifying number. Dan Brown is renoun for his fast-paced writing style with short chapters and ruthless clinchers to keep the reader engrossed until the end.
The type of book that i'm writing needs the exact same style. I need fast paced action. So, yesterday I decided to leave for work early and drop by Barnes and Noble and pick up the book and read it for an hour to see how I liked it.
About to leave for Barnes and Noble, my mom stops me and notifies me that I need to return a book for her. She just got a book as a present, but she already had it, so she wanted me to return it for her. At first I consented, but a wave of realization came over me...
The title of the book? Overcoming Insecurity (for women).
Yes, that's right, it's a self help book for women. Oh my gosh. So, my mom was asking me to go up the register at Barnes and Noble, a male, and basically say: "Oh, I already have a copy of this book, so i'd like to return it".
Weirdo much?
My mom would not budge when I begged her to return it later in the week. So, I finally said yes. Standing in line I made sure that the book's cover was pressed tight against my leg so no one could see me carrying a women's self help book about overcoming their insecurities.
Getting to the register was stil awkward even though I explained it was for my mom as a present and she already had a copy. Oh well. I got a gift card out of the deal to buy a book that I wanted, so I bought Ted Dekker's book Burn.
What is it about a good mystery that intreages everyone? I cannot explain it. I need to figure out the case before the characters do. They're witty, quirky, and likable while solving a murder investigation. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I a confessing my addiction to Homocide Detective TV shows.
This is my guilty pleasure.
Actually, not so guilty. Just pleasure. I find nothing embarrassing about a good murder mystery.
I do, however, like pretty much every homocide detective TV show on the market right now. I only follow two of them consistently, but it's still embarrassing to confess how many of them I find entertaining.
NCIS LA, NCIS, CSI, CSI NY (I used to like CSI Miami, but the characters are boring so I stopped watching it) Castle, and Psych.
The two that I follow consistantly are Castle and Psych. They are extremely humorous and by far the most entertaining to watch. All thw NCIS's and CSI's are interesting, but get old quickly. I have watched select episodes here and there from them, but I love Castle and Psych.
I think I am going to put an investigation into my book. I have seen countless cases, and most of the time, I can call the killer and the means before anyone else can, and before the characters even suspect them. I like to think i'm a natural.
On another note, I re-injured a muscle in my leg. It's one that I pull all the time. If I ice it and take it easy for two days, I know I can kickbox abgain soon. We'l see.
I'm addicted to a couple shows too, and the humor in them is so important to me. My own faves are Leverage and Chuck, and sometimes I catch Castle. But other times I like to watch nerdy shows on the Science and History channels.