Monday, November 8, 2010


NanoWrimo stands for: National Novel Writing Month.
The goal of NanoWrimo is for hundreds of thousands of people around the world to write a novel in the month of November. Yes, a novel in a month. You read that correctly. 50,000 words is the goal. That is equivilent to 5 pages a day with 1.5 line spacing. It takes unparalleled dedication and focus, which I lack.

I am on page 18, and I am supposed to be on page 40 by the end of the day. My homework is kind of controlling-and yes-that is my excuse because I know I could prioritize my time to get both done with extra time.

Life at college has gone a little bit downhill to be honest. I have lost track of what I value most. I guess i've been sitting on the sidelines watching life happen and not been taking part in it.

I've noticed that on days that I clean my room organize my life, do all my homework early in the day, read a bit of a book, do devotions, go on a walk, and write, at the end of the day I feel amazing. But, since it is so hard to be self controlled enough to do all those things in a given day, I have been ending up at 2:00am every night wondering where my time went.

Yes, I have blogged countless times about being organized and self controlled, but it is really something no one can have too much of, and I would like to exercise that mental muscle of mine as much as possible, because I know that when I get out of college and possibly live on my own, everything will be on my own shoulders.

1 comment:

  1. Don't beat yourself up -- you already sound so disciplined and do so much! I'm ALWAYS wondering where the day/weekend/month went and asking why I didn't get EVERYTHING done. That'll never change, so now I'm just trying to enjoy my (semi-organized) journey more.
