Saturday, August 28, 2010

new on the floor

The first day of Taylor went wonderfully. Schedule of events went as thus:

Setting up the dorm room including moving all the furniture to a cozy atmosphere: 2 and a half hours, the fastest of anyone i've talked to on campus.

Lunch, which was fun to see all the people I met last year during CRAM (a summer program offered by Taylor for prospective high school students on campus).

Then I met some guys on my floor, they all seem pretty awesome. I can't wait to get close to them. There are 18 new freshman on this wing of the dorm. Apparently the most new freshman of any wing in this dorm hall. I'm bad with names, so i'm struggling a bit but i'll catch on.

Applied for a job at the front desk of my dorm. Basically you get paid to shuffle the mail, answer the phone, and study. I hope I get the job, and if not, I know the manager of the on campus coffee shop, and with my 2 years of experience around coffee, that will put me on the top of the food chain.

Dinner, which was uneventful. Then I chilled in the dorm for a bit, which was nice.

Then after going over the dorm rules (in a very creative and halarious skit presented by the RAs of the dorm) we did the infamous "Awk Walk". It stands for "Awkward Walk" which is set up the first night of every year for the freshman to get to know their "sister dorm".

So, the RAs come up with awkward questions you HAVE to ask the girls... yeah, one of them was "When you take a crap, do you watch the poop go down?" and according to the rules, you had to ask these questions while in awkward positons, like walking while holding their earlobe.

It actually wasn't very awkward. Afterwards we went to Steak n' Shake and hung out with the sister dorm. It was REALLY embarassing... so, you know what it's time for?

During the awkward walk, all the girls rotate through the guys after each question is answered (about 2 minutes was allowed for each question)... one girl when she came up to me was like "BEN!!" And I had NO idea who she was. It was kind of awkward. I looked at her, begging my braint o recognize her, but I honestly had no idea. "Do I know you?"

Apparently we were Facebook friends and had talked for like a month, and I didn't remember any of it. And she did. We talked at Steak n' Shake, and like every other question I asked her she was like: "We talked about this over Facebook!" Yeah, it was embarrassing. I remember the liscence plate number, make and model of a car that drove in front of me nearly two weeks ago, yet I cannot remember a month's worth of conversation with a girl...

After I got back to the dorm I went on Facebook, and once I found her profile I remembered talking to her. But, I still feel bad.

So, now is day two of college. I woke up at 9:45 and ran about 2 miles, took a shower... was shirtless in the dorm when my roommate's sister came in... that was slightly awkward. Thankfully I hand't taken the liberty to change completely or else that could have ended up much worse.

Then I've been chilling, reading my Bible, listening to Indie music. I'm kind of putting off going to lunch right now because I don't really want to go.

The parents and families are forced to leave campus at 1:00, so lunch encompasses parents hugging, crying, and trying to make funny jokes while they're still there. My parents left yesterday before lunch, which I'm glad, because that allowed me to meet new people. But, now I have no one to eat lunch with and have to watch everyone else eat with their new BFFs they made on campus or their families.

My roommate is hanging out with his family before they leave, or else i'd eat with him. Yeah, i'll suck it up and eat a gorgeous meal at the deli that makes Subway jealous.

1 comment:

  1. You're there! At long last! And it sounds like life will be great for you in the dorm and on campus. How wonderful.
